Happy Recipe
This art piece is a sound, interactive installation. Different types of vegetables and fruits are placed according to the positions of musical instruments, sequencers, and bands. Then, through the control of the main board, 50 tracks are input into different items and signals from sensors that sense the locations that audiences touch are received, and the other sound effects are output. Through field sampling, the real shouts for sale of street vendors in Shanghai, Chengdu, and Shenyang are sampled to form an audio source so that audiences’ action feedback can be integrated into the creation process. Inclusiveness, popularity, and ubiquity are my unique feelings for the vegetable market.
Music is the same.
Different sound effects are mixed in a specific time and space, which cover different sounds, implicit cultures, and modern fashion. Every vegetable market is like an ordinary and extraordinary concert where every person and item is the audience and leading character. Therefore, the author hopes to use new media art to create a new sense of vulgar life by weakening the unmistakable distance between technology and daily life.
Artwork by Jiayu Liu
Year: 2017 Dimensions: Flexible Materials: mental structure, fresh fruit & vegetables Techniques: C++ Launching: LIUXING LAB : Cai Shi Chang (Wet Market) . Taikoo . Shanghai
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